The Ultimate Guide To Compression Socks

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For people with varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, diabetic neuropathy, or people with circulatory problems, wearing compression stockings can benefit them and have been part of their daily routine. There are a lot of benefits of wearing compression stockings, but the main goal of compression stockings is to promote proper blood flow in your legs so that blood can flow smoothly throughout your body without any hindrance.
Compression Stockings are used for comfort, help you perform better in physical activities, and help prevent medical conditions.
Like compression socks, compression stockings also improve your blood circulation. They lessen pain and swelling in your legs. Chances of developing DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis can be prevented if you wear compression stockings.
Compression Stockings come in different sizes and strengths or how much compression they can give you. You should talk to your doctor about what compression stockings are best for your condition.
What are the benefits of compression stockings?
Compression Stockings and socks apply gentle pressure to your legs and ankles so that your blood will circulate properly. They can also lessen the pain and swelling in your legs and ankles. Here are other benefits of wearing compression stockings:
- Provide better blood circulation or boost your blood circulation.
- It supports your veins to keep your legs from getting tired.
- It will prevent your blood from pooling in your leg veins.
- Will reduce leg swelling.
- Reduce orthostatic hypotension, which can cause you to feel lightheaded or unsteady if you stand.
- It will help to prevent venous ulcers.
- It will prevent the development of deep Vein Thrombosis in your legs that can cause pain or swelling in your legs.
- If you have varicose veins, compression stockings can lessen its pain.
- Reverse venous hypertension.
- Improve lymphatic drainage
How many hours a day should you wear compression stockings?
Depending on your condition and your doctor's recommendation, you can consider wearing them all day though you should take them off before you go to bed or just for a few hours at a time. In some cases, your doctor might recommend that you wear your compression stockings for 24 hours, it's not harmful, but it's also not necessary. You can wear them as often as you like but make sure to have extra clean pairs so that if you need to change your compression stockings in a day if you did physical activities, you have extra pairs.
Is it ok to wear a compression hose all day long?
Is it okay to wear them throughout the day? You may need to take them off when the night comes. This is not the case all the time. Their doctor recommends them to wear their compression stockings for more hours for some people. The manufacturers of compression socks and stockings said that their product is safe to use all day and all night.
Wearing them throughout the day is the most efficient and best time to put on your compression stockings. For some patients, wearing them throughout the day will do already, and for some patients for specific conditions, health advisors also recommend they wear their compression stockings at night.
Can you overuse compression socks?
Compression socks are safe to wear if you follow your doctor's guidance and the manufacturer's instructions, but you can't overuse them. Overusing and wearing them incorrectly can be harmful. It can break your skin and create infections. Here are some of its harmful effects if you wear them incorrectly:
- Can damage and bruise your legs - If you are traveling in areas that have dry air and you have dry skin, your skin will become more likely to get scrapes and be damaged by wearing compression socks. If compression socks are fitted properly, there is less chance of this.
- Can cut off your circulation- If your compression stockings or socks are not fitted properly, it can have the opposite side effect and prevent proper blood circulation.
- Can irritate - Compression stockings and socks can aggregate your skin. It can cause redness and even itching if they are too tight for you or not fitted properly. It can leave marks on your skin and cause irritation.
- Wearing the same pair for days frequently can cause damage to your skin. Avoid overusing them, and make sure to let your doctor know that compression stockings are irritating and damaging your skin.
When should you not wear compression stockings?
According to Dr. Ichinose from Oklahoma Heart, you should not be wearing compression socks and stockings when experiencing Peripheral Vascular disease, and it's affecting your lower extremities. You should not wear compression socks. The pressure provided by the compression stockings can make your disease much worse.
You should also avoid wearing compression stockings and socks if you don't need compression in your legs and ankles. Here are some examples of people that need to use compression stockings or socks.
Athletes - People who are physically active or do sports use compression stockings or socks of their arms or hands to help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery while they are doing activities. Some athletes also use compression wraps to help speed up the recovery of their post-workout.
A person who is confined with a wheelchair - Compression socks can help to improve blood flow and reduce swelling in the legs.
Pregnant women - If they are prone to swelling in their legs, feet, or ankles, they may want to wear compression stockings to reduce the swelling. Most pregnant women see the best results when they wear compression stockings in the morning instead of putting them on after they develop swelling.
Airplane passengers or crew - For people who are on frequent air flights, they may want to wear compression stockings or socks to help increase blood circulation and reduce the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis or blood clots.
People who are standing at work all day - For people who are working all day on their feet or if they are frequently standing at work, compression socks can help reduce fatigue, pain, or swelling by increasing blood and oxygen flow in the legs and feet.
For people with neuropathy - For some people who are experiencing neuropathy, compression socks can help them relieve pain. Compression socks can prevent fluid and blood from pooling in the feet.
When should I replace my compression stockings?
You will probably need to replace your compression stockings every 3-6 months. The elastic fibers and fabrics used for your socks will eventually be worn out and need to be replaced. If you know that your compression stockings are worn out already, don't try to keep them on. Stop using them already and buy a new pair.
Wearing worn-out compression stockings may damage your legs and create complications that you want to avoid. Here are some indications to know when your compression stockings need to be replaced already:
- Suppose your compression stockings are easier to put on. Your compression stockings lost their adequate pressure. That is why the bands that hold it together to put pressure on your feet and legs and make it tighter are gone.
- Notice if there are thinner, sagging, or worn-out sock areas. This is the most noticeable indication that you should replace your compression stockings. You will feel the fabric when you put on your stockings, so it's easy to identify these things.
- If you have lost or gained weight, it also means that you need to replace your stockings. The circumference of your legs may be different from the last time it was and will require additional pressure.
Can Compression Stockings cause problems?
Yes, it does cause problems. Doctors prescribed compression stockings to patients with particular medical conditions that needed pressure on their legs. Still, people should be aware that compression stockings are not a one size fits all solution. It is essential to keep in mind how much pressure you need in your legs and that you need to get provided by a professional.
Compression Stockings are sometimes misused to cause complications in a patient's body. Even hospitals and other patient care facilities are guilty of misusing compression stockings. Using compression stockings can cause side effects because of a bad fit or misuse.
What is the side effect of compression stockings?
When the wrong size of stockings is worn, or the stockings are not fitted properly, they won't do their job.
A stocking that is too tight for a patient can put too much pressure on the limb. This problem is similar to how a tourniquet works because the stockings are restricting the limbs, the blood flow is hindered, and the hose may become the cause of blood clots rather than boosting your blood flow. It will just create complications.
Compression that is fitted or misused, such as too small, rolled, or folded over, may cause excessive irritation to the skin. In some cases, it can result in ulcers and open wounds. If the stockings are used this way after surgery, the damage can occur in as little as two hours.
To avoid these complications, it is essential that you get fitted by a professional. Compression strengths also vary depending on what condition you have, so it is necessary to talk to your doctor about it and tell them your situation so they can give the proper advice to you.
How to tell if you are wearing the wrong compression stockings
If you experience any of the following, it could indicate that the compression stockings you are wearing are not the right size for your legs, feet, ankle, and calf.
- Your stockings are extremely hard to put on. Compression stockings are usually hard to put on because they have compression, but they shouldn't be so tight that you have to struggle, toggle or fight to pull them up to your legs.
- Your stockings are also hard to remove. As much as it is hard to put on, you should be able to remove them with relative ease. However, your compression stockings should not be so loose that they just slip right off your legs.
- Stockings fall down your legs or bunch around the ankles.
- Your legs tend to get irritated or swell while wearing compression stockings.
- You feel pain when you are wearing compression stockings; your socks are too tight, or compression stockings are not recommended for your condition.
What types of complications can occur if you wear the wrong compression stockings
There are a lot of complications that can occur if you are not wearing suitable compression stockings.
- Development of calluses and corns in the feet, calluses, and corns can develop if the compression stockings are too tight.
- Numbness and tingling of the lower limbs.
- Rashes, extreme itching, and skin irritation.
- Sudden and unexplained joint pain, especially in the knees.
- Poor blood circulation.
- Pain around your legs.
- Sudden swelling of feet, legs, and toes.
- Sudden spasms of the feet, toes, and legs.
How can you get a pair that will fit you well?
You may need a more muscular compression or lesser, depending on your condition. For you to have the perfect size that will fit around your legs, you'll need a professional fitting. If you're are using them for the first time, you need to get used to your stockings, and if they lose their elasticity, you will need to replace them but check with your doctor first if there are changes on your compression stockings.
A physician or your doctor prescribes Compression Stockings. A professional will assist you with what type and how much compression your stockings should have. You shouldn't buy your compression stockings just because you "think" you need them. This should be prescribed and recommended by a professional.
Do's and don'ts for compression stockings.
If your doctor has recommended you to use compression stockings, it is important that you understand and know how to use them properly and how to take care of them.
Here is the list of the things that you should DO when wearing compression stockings:
- Get your legs professionally measured - Before you buy compression stockings, you should know the size of your legs. If you buy the wrong size, you won't get the benefits of compression stockings, and they won't be as comfortable on your legs. Getting the right size will help you with comfort and avoid complications.
- Care for your compression stockings every day - Doctors recommend patients use their compression stockings every day for maximum benefit. Wearing them every day means you need to wash them too every use. Washing them can help return their original shape and also extend their usability over time. Washing them is also important for your hygiene and to make sure that when you wear your compression stockings, they are clean and don't have any dirt that can cause irritation.
- Wash your compression stockings properly - It is important to check and read the instructions for your compression stockings on how to wash them. Some compression stockings are washable in your machine's gentle setting and if this is an option, put your compression stockings inside a mesh laundry bag. To properly wash your compression stockings, use cold water and a bit of gentle soap. There is also a specially formulated washing solution for your compression stockings. This will clean your stockings without damaging them. To dry your stockings, roll them up in a towel, pat out all the excess water, and then hang them up, don't dry them in your washing machine's dryer cause this can reap the stockings.
- Use donning gloves to put on your compression stockings - When you use donning gloves, it will lessen the chance that you might snag your stockings on a fingernail. Donning gloves also provide grip and make it easier for you to wear your compression stockings so they won't slide off when you try to put them on.
- Put your compression stockings on every morning - When you wake up in the morning, it will be easier for you to put on your compression stockings because your feet and legs are less swollen. You must wear your stockings for the whole day for most medical benefits, and compression stockings will help your legs and feet be protected through the activities you will do for the entire day.
Here is the list of the DON'TS that you should avoid when you are using compression stockings:
- Don't roll up your compression stockings when you are putting them on - Rolling your compression stockings creates a tight band that cuts off the circulation and causes soreness around your legs. Rolling them also causes your compression stockings to lose their elasticity. When trying to put them on or remove them, try not to scrunch or roll them up.
- Don't wear them at night - Try to avoid wearing them at night unless your doctor specifically prescribed you to do so. When lying down at night, your legs are already in a neutral position that allows regular blood flow. Adding compression in this position is unnecessary. Adding compression to your legs in this position, for some cases, can also pool blood in your legs. Try elevating your legs with a couple of pillows instead. By having your legs above your heart level, you regulate proper blood flow.
- Don't use chlorine bleach to clean your stockings - Avoid any substance that can damage your compression stockings because it can damage and destroy your compression stockings.
- Don't wring out your compression stockings to dry them - Any intense movements when washing and drying your compression stockings can damage them. Treat them gently, and when you are trying to dry them off, to get the excess water out of your compression stockings, ball them up and squeeze gently.
- Don't alter your compression stockings - Avoid doing changes in your compression stockings by yourself, like cutting off any part of your stockings. The foot of the compression stockings acts as an anchor. It provides a solid hold, making it easier for you to put on your socks and have graduated compression meaning the compression is strongest at the ankle and gets lighter as it goes up the calf. Cutting off the foot or any part of it causes them to roll up and become uncomfortable to wear. Suppose the stockings seem to be too tight around the toes. In that case, you may want to consider a product such as open toe compression stockings, or your compression stockings are uncomfortable, try checking on a professional to see if your socks fit you just right.
- Don't wear lotions or oils - Oily substances such as creams or lotions can break down the elastic fibers. Moisture your legs in the evening when you are done wearing your stockings.
How to use and tips on wearing compression stockings
If your doctor or health provider advised you to use compression stockings, this would be a part of your daily life, and it would be best to wear them often unless you are taking a bath or will go to sleep. Remember to replace your stockings every 4 to 6 months.
At first, it would be hard for you to wear your compression stockings. Some may find it hard because of their conditions, so here are some tips on how you can put them on easily, practice these tips, and you won't be having a hard time putting on your compression stockings in the long run.
- Before putting them on, you should hand wash them, and it will make them more flexible and easy to put on. It is best to have an extra pair in case you need to wash your other pair.
- Put protection on any wound before putting on your compression to make sure that it won't rub off against your wound.
- Keep your stockings near your bed so that when you wake up, it will be easier for you to find them and to put them on.
- When you are putting them on, put them first thing in the morning to keep your feet and legs protected.
- Sit on a chair, this will give you something to lean on, and it will be easier for you to put on your socks.
- Hold the top of your stocking with one hand and with your other hand, reach inside the stocking and push your arm all the way down and grab the toe.
- Put your toes in the toe part of the stocking and gently roll and slide back over your heel. Then use your fingertips or palms to slowly roll the stockings back all the way up to your leg.
- Stockings are delicate so make sure not to pull the top part cause this can cause the stockings to tear up.
- If you are having trouble putting on your compression stockings, here are other tips to make it easier for you to put them on.
- Wear gloves to help you grab the fabric so that the compression stockings won't slide in your hands.
- Put silicone lotion on your legs or talcum powder to help the stockings to slide easily. If your stockings contain latex or if you are not sure if it contains latex, don't use do not use lotion or any other type of lotion. You can use creams or lotions when you are not wearing your stockings.
- Try using a silk "slip sock" if you use toeless stockings. It helps the stocking slide over your foot and then pull off through the toe after the stocking is on. You can get slip socks at medical stores.
- You can also try using a stocking butler. It's a metal device that will help to open your stocking while you put it on.
- Talk to your doctor or certified fitter at your medical supply store, especially if you have a disability. They can give advice to you on how you can put them on properly.
- Call your doctor if your toes get numb or painful or it turns dark while you are wearing compression stockings.
Benefits of wearing medical compression socks
Compression socks don't only improve blood flow but also relieve pain in your lower limbs. Compression socks don't only help people with diabetic Neuropathy. Still, it also helps people with varicose veins, pregnant women, athletes, and people who have a hard time standing up because of their occupation. Here are other benefits of wearing compression socks:
- Boost blood circulation in your legs
- Support veins for giving enough nutrients that your body needs
- Prevent your blood from pooling in your leg veins
- Decrease leg swelling
- Help prevent venous ulcer
- Prevent the development of deep vein thrombosis in your legs
- Help decrease the pain caused by varicose veins
- Improve lymphatic drainage
Tips for putting medical compression socks properly
Some people may find it hard to put on compression socks properly, especially for people experiencing some conditions that can't make them move properly, like arthritis or trouble bending down to your feet. Here are some tips from Dr. Jane Andersen and Dr. Karen Kemmis from Everyday health's article:
- Putting on your socks first thing in the morning - Putting them on before leg swells is very important. When your legs swell, it would be hard for you to move. If you have to take a shower or have been up since the morning, be sure to take a rest and sit down, elevate your legs before wearing them. It is also good to wear your socks all day until you get ready for bed.
- Use a sock aid - Devices such as stocking or sock donner made out of silk which is a device that is made to help you put on your socks or stockings or a metal frame that holds your sock and can help you pull it up or wear it. It is recommended that you buy your device from a medical supply store to teach you how to use the device properly. You can also find gloves that are specially designed for gripping compression. You need to find a device that would make it easier for you to move and wear your compression socks or stockings.
- Buy two pairs of socks, so you have one pair as a reserve - Most compression socks need to be washed by hand in the sink and hung up to dry. It is good to have one pair for reserve so that you won't have a hard time if the other one is still wet. You can wear the other one that is dry to keep your feet protected. Always make sure to have one clean set.
Different kinds of compression stockings
Your doctor may advise a particular type of compression stockings for your condition. Here are some descriptions of the different types of compression stockings to help you understand them better.
Graduated compression stockings - These are compression stockings that are tighter around your ankle and decrease their compression to the higher parts of your legs. This type of compression stockings is used to treat people with edema and chronic venous disease. They are also designed for ambulatory patients, and they are made under strict medical and technical specifications, including consistency and durability.
Anti-embolism stockings - This type of compression stockings is used to reduce the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT. Like graduated compression stockings, they also provide gradient compression. These are made for patients who can't get out of bed and do not meet the technical specifications for use by ambulatory patients.
Non-medical support hosiery - Including flight socks and elastic support stockings are often used to provide relief for tired, heavy, and aching legs. Unlike graduated compression stockings, they offer less compression. The compression that non-medical support hosiery has is uniformed and not graduated. They do not need to meet the strict medical and technical specifications of those graduated compression stockings. They can be bought over the counter and without prescription.
Best practice for using compression stockings
Here are some practices to help you with taking care of your compression stockings and your legs.
- Make sure to get fitted by a professional. It is important that your stockings fit your legs and feet properly to avoid any injuries.
- If you gain or lose some weight, make sure that you will get fitted again so that you are wearing the correct size and it won't be too loose or too constricting.
- Check your feet, legs, and ankles for any redness, dents, dryness, and chafing between every wear. Your medical advisor may advise you to lessen the time you are wearing compression stockings or that you need to switch socks.
- Hand wash your compression stockings and hang them to dry to prevent warping or changes in the fabric.
- Dispose of your compression stockings after 30 or more wears or as soon as they are too used already that they start to lose.
- Change your stockings every day and replace them with a clean and dry pair so that the stockings don't adhere to your skin and will be hard for you to remove.
When to see a doctor
It is safe that you are aware of what you are going through and that you talk to your doctor or a professional medical advisor. If you are experiencing any of these conditions, you should talk to your doctor and get checked.
- Swollen or hard veins
- Tenderness or loss of circulation that persists in one or both of your legs.
- Leg cramps that persist in one or both of your legs.
- Redness or warmth in one area of your Vein.
- Having a weak pulse that feels out of rhythm
- Bluish or purple skin
- Difficulty in breathing or rapid breathing
Best medical compression socks of 2024
Here are some of the best compression socks you may need to have a comfortable time if you have diabetic Neuropathy or any other conditions. You can also read more about it on our blog, “The Best Socks For Swollen Feet”.
- Diabetic Sock Club's Compression Stockings - These compression stockings from the Diabetic Sock Club are ultra-soft and cozy with moisture-wicking properties that will keep you from having blisters. They won't irritate your skin because they are soft. Use compression socks that just go until your calf is good for preventing blisters and bad odor. These compression socks are ultra-soft and comfy, with moisture-wicking characteristics, and are made in the United States from premium grade fabrics.
- Customer Testimonial: “Phenomenal socks! They have been through multiple washings and have been worn daily. I bought 3 pair at first to check them out… with in two weeks I ordered 3 more pair. I love ‘em! They fit great out of the package and still fit great! I wear them with shorts on most of the time so they get exposed to all the tasks I do… from wood and metal work to yard work pruning trees and loading brush… and their performance has been outstanding!”
- Bitly Plantar Fasciitis Compression Socks - These socks are good for supporting arch support to relieve pain. The arch support applies soft compression to the center of your feet which stimulates the flow of blood to ease pain and discomfort. It has a nano brace for ultimate comfort, and it also has the moisture-wicking ability.
- Customer Testimonial: “These are the second best thing that I used to help me with my plantar fasciitis.”
- Zensah Tech+ Compression Socks - These compression socks help improve blood slow, shin splints, and calf areas by gently squeezing your feet
- Customer Testimonial: “I have been happily wearing this particular Zensah style of compression sock for over 5 years! I own these in many colors and they are my everyday sock since i suffered some lymphatic damage and am left with some edema. I have tried others but always come back to these. Excellent fit, durability and effective compression!”
- CEP Tall Socks for Performance - These compression socks provide a comfortable, functional fit for athletes looking to enhance performance thanks to the medically tuned compressive yarns that wrap around the leg over 400 times to provide precise compression
- Customer Testimonial: “I ran with the socks on and I could tell a big difference! My legs were not fatigued during my run and I had more energy during my run. Simply amazing! I purchased 4 more pairs because they work so well! Also, if you watch the video on how to put on, it is very simple. Removing is simple as well. Highly recommend!”
- SB SOX Compression Socks (20-30mmHg) - These compression socks ensure you receive the focused support and muscle fatigue relief you need. Designed with lightweight, durable, and breathable fabric – especially great if you are on your feet for long periods.
- Customer Testimonial: “I am on my feet 12 hours a day, so I decided to try compression socks. I found these online and tried them out. I ordered two pair. After a few days of wearing SB SOX I decided to buy two more pair. I LOVE the way they fit over my calf and go all the way up to my knee. My legs no longer ached and there is no more swelling around my ankles. If you are thinking about compression socks, I say DO IT! I even wear them at home when I am not working.”
- PRO Compression Marathon Socks - These compression socks will help you relax more and reduce any muscular pain in the feet – perfect all-day wear for office workers.
- Customer Testimonial: “Great all around sock for running, biking, and other sports/wear where circulation matters.”
- Lily Trotters Athletic Compression Socks - These compression socks are made with graduated compression (at 15-20 mmHg). As the maximum amount of pressure is at the ankles, it decreases as it goes up your legs. This will prevent blood accumulation in the feet and legs and promote the normal flow of blood.
- Customer Testimonial: “I had a total knee replAcement 6 weeks ago and have tried all types and sizes of compression socks. I thought these were awfully pricey but got desperate.for something that would fit and help me with ankle swelling. I thought these might be too small but they fit as promised. I put then on and felt immediate relief and wore them all day without a thought. I was always so anxious to take other brands off as soon as possible. These are so worth the cost and I will order more. I should have tried these first!!!”
- Sockwell Women's Chevron Sock - These compression socks are good for pregnant women and when you are looking to minimize your feet or leg swelling and fatigue. It will relieve moderate varicose veins, thus keeping you fit. You have an option for cushioned soles, albeit the socks will remain very light. It has a seamless toe and good arch support for ultimate comfort even at work.
- Customer Testimonial: “These socks add a good amount of compression. I am a young nurse who is on her feet 12.5hrs a day and these work well, although I could tolerate a stronger compression. I guess these are good for people who are just getting used to tight socks. I am a size 9.5 but have very narrow feet/calf so I am a size small/medium, even though the package says I would be a large. If you are stuck between sizes and can tolerate a snug fit (not in the toe box!) then size down.”
- CHARMKING Compression Socks at 15-20 mmHg - These compression socks have a high percentage of nylon varying from 40 to 85%. Its comfort lies mostly in its all-direction stretching feature. Moreover, its loosely-knit mesh keeps the fabric at optimal temperatures. It’s a great gift idea as well.
- Customer Testimonial: “Bought these for my husband. Be aware, compression socks always run TIGHT. As a nurse, I learned to stretch them out before trying to put them on patients. Take an end in each hand & pull out as far as possible, repeat several times. To put on, gather them up at the opening & stretch hard, making the opening easier to slide over toes. Once they're on, you'll find they feel REALLY good, decreased ankle swelling when taken off. Easier to put on with repeat wear.”
After learning everything that there is to know about compression stockings, we hope that you will be able to make an informed decision whether these types of stockings are the ones best suited for your needs. Of course, we recommend that you check with your doctors and medical professionals so that they can also better guide you on the steps that you need to take in order for you to live a full life despite any issues or conditions that you are facing as of the moment.
Diabetic Sock Club has one of the best compression socks available in the market today, as well as other diabetic socks that may also fit your daily needs. You may even take a quiz to find out which sock suits your lifestyle. Head on over to today!
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How do I know im getting 20-30 lbs compression socks